Brazil Issued Anatel nº 12/2021/ORCN/SOR-ANATEL
On 20th January 2021, Brazil regulator ANATEL issued official letter Anatel nº 12/2021/ORCN/SOR-ANATEL. This letter extends the deadline mentioned in official letter 598/2020 for the delivery of complementary tests related to the evaluation of 5G technology.
As it stands, there are 2 laboratories in Brazil that can carry out certification tests with 5G technology. Manufacturers still have the option to provide test reports issued by foreign test laboratories to support the approval process for 5G enabled products before 31st March 2021.
There will be another 2 laboratories expected to be useable by the end of March 2021. After 31st March 2021, it is expected that local testing for 5G will be mandatory in Brazil.
Should you have any question, please feel free to contact us:
MRT Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.